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  • E-bike for two: from Sicily with love!

    E-bike for two: from Sicily with love!

    Sicily and the sea: Velorapida for him and for her.

    Davide and Venera from Messina spoil themselves in the beautiful Sicily surroundings. With their Velorapida vintage electric bicycles they can go wherever they want.


    Davide's e-bike: Cobalto with sapphire blue frame, brown saddle and grips and battery hidden in the handcrafted wooden box.

    E-bike mod. Cobalto Cobalto for him

    Venera's e-bike: Country Woman with silk grey frame and honey leather bags, saddle and grips.

    E-bike Country Woman for her Country Woman for her


    All Velorapidas are made in Italy following the customer's requirements. Choose the model, the colour and the accessories from our store.


    Two technologies available:

    - Traditional e-bikes with battery hidden in the leather or wooden bag

    - Rechargeable VeloPlus e-bikes with all-in-one hub with ZeHus innovative technology


  • With your electric bicycle you can go anywhere

    With your electric bicycle you can go anywhere

    Juliana is enjoying Münster surroundings with her electric bicycle Chrome & Wood.

    Leather bags and tire covering handmade in Italy.

  • Una bicicletta elettrica a Roma

    Una bicicletta elettrica a Roma

    Come ci si sente dopo aver provato una bicicletta elettrica a Roma, meglio ancora se una Velorapida?

    La nostra Cliente Noemi ci racconta nel suo blog Unadonnaalcontrario come si gode la città con la sua Country.

    "Ho fatto scorciatoie che con la macchina te le sogni. Ho superato decine di auto in coda con un sorriso da ebete stampato in faccia, e questo, ebbene sì, anche in salita.

    Ho riscoperto il centro ma anche la periferia e mi sono accorta che quello che sembra un modo di muoversi lento in una metropoli frenetica, in realtà, mi permette gli stessi percorsi in un tempo identico se non minore che se usassi la macchina".


    Leggi l'esperienza di Noemi con la sua bicicletta elettrica a Roma

    oppure scegli anche tu la nostra Country Woman


    bicicletta elettrica a Roma Una bicicletta elettrica a Roma
  • Christel and her e-bike country in Belgium

    Christel and her e-bike country in Belgium

    Here is Christel with her e-bike Country Woman at her hotel Au Nom de Dieu in Limburg, Belgium

    Christel and her e-bike country in Belgium Christel and her e-bike country in Belgium

    - frame pure white

    - battery bag honey leather

    - rear bags honey leather


    See the Hotel Au Nom de Dieu and on Facebook

  • Hybrid E-bike Voyager: "Das Schmuckstück ist angekommen"

    Hybrid E-bike Voyager: "Das Schmuckstück ist angekommen".

    So schreibt unser Kunde Tobias aus Münchberg! Er hat das Hybrid E-bike Voyager seiner Frau geschenkt. Tine und Ihr Kind sind sehr froh, man sieht es im wunderschönen Bild mit Tine's Schwester.

    Voyager hybrid E-bike wurde in Italien mit der Bike+ Technologie von ZeHus hergestellt. Dieses innovative System integriert auf elegante Weise Batterie und elektrische sowie elektronische Komponenten in der hinteren Nabe. Das ZeHus System hat ein Gesamtgewicht von ca. 3 Kg, wobei die Ästhetik des Fahrrads nicht beeinträchtigt wird.

    VeloPlus Hybrid E-Bikes sind Teil eines neuen Konzepts, bei dem das Fahrrad mit einem ausgeklügelten elektrischen System dotiert wird, das die physische Kraft berechnen und somit die Effizienz des „menschlichen Motors“ optimieren kann. Die Trethilfe wird erst dann aktiviert, wenn das Fahren anstrengend wird; während der einfachen Fahrt wird die überschüssige Energie eingespeist.

    Aufladen beim Fahren mit VeloPlus – der perfekte Einklang zwischen Mensch und Maschine.

    So funktionieren die VeloPlus E-Bikes > weiterlesen

    Hybrid E-bike Hybrid E-bike Voyager - Tine aus Münchberg
  • Ebike Voyager in Singapore

    Ebike Voyager with all-in-one system in Singapore.

    Thanks to Te-Shan, our customer who sent us the picture of his ebike Voyager, taken on the coastal park running about 16 km along Singapore's south eastern waterfront.

    - Motor and battery all-in-one, the innovative technology by ZeHus

    - Frame pure white

    - Rattan chest Basil on the front rack

    - Rear rack

    - Leather wrapped handlebar

    - Saddle Brooks

    See the Voyager and the other VeloPlus ebikes with ZeHus Bike+ technology in our store

  • Barbara, Paris

    E-bike Country Woman

    - frame mouse grey

    - battery bag honey leather

    - child seat honey leather

  • Lorenzo, Neaples

    E-bike Sport Man

    - Frame matt graphite black

    - Automatic gear with 2 speeds and counterpedal brake

    - Wooden battery box

    - Leather bags on the rear rack

  • Elisabeth, Munich

    E-bike Country Woman

    - frame mouse grey

    - battery bag honey leather

    - rear rack with wicker chest

  • Adrian, Australia

    E-bike Mimetic

    - frame liquid painted

    - camouflage look

    - battery bag in brown leather

10 Item(s)